Price Gouging Car Salesmen Allowed To Sell Again

Danny Choy
by Danny Choy

Banned from selling cars after they were caught charging a $25,000 mark up for a used Mazda6, Ken Trung and Mohammed Shaikh could be back working on a car lot as early as next year. The two men weren’t just fired for selling the family sedan for $66,000 at a Orangeville dealer outside Toronto, Canada, Mazda Canada actually revoked the dealer’s license.

Carl Compton, executive director of the industry council, expressed that the regulator would prefer the two salesmen be permanently removed from showroom floors and away from vulnerable consumers. However, the two salesmen and their careers will be given a second chance. Ontario government tribunal chairman Harinder Gahir ruled the two salesmen are not chronic offenders and ordered a one year suspension plus a mandatory college certification course to reflect and familiarize themselves with legal and ethical obligations.

As Trung and Shaikh were fired last year, and face an extra year ban from conducting sales, Carl Compton added a comment, “It will be interesting to see how these guys account for the past two years on their resumes if they try to get back in at the end of their suspensions.”

President of the Automobile Protection Association, George Iny, also agrees with the ruling, noting, “It sends a good message. And if they come back, there should be further terms and conditions.”

[Source: The Star]

Danny Choy
Danny Choy

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