Bad Credit History Could Double Your Insurance Rates: Study
Your credit score could play a significant role on how much you’re paying for auto insurance a new study has revealed.
The study used a hypothetical 45-year-old, single female driver with a bachelor’s degree and no prior claims or lapses in coverage to determine how much annual premiums on auto insurance could differ by looking at a unique factor called a credit-based insurance score. Not to be confused with your standard credit score, a credit-based insurance score is calculated by insurance companies using information in your credit report. Most insurance companies use their own formula to evaluate your credit-based insurance score based on your credit history.
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According to the study conducted by, a median credit-based insurance score means you’ll pay 24 percent more for auto insurance than a driver with an excellent score. Those with a poor credit-based insurance score can see their premium nearly double, paying 91 percent more.
There’s good news though if you’re in California, Hawaii or Massachusetts. Those states ban insurers from using credit in order to set auto insurance rates. But for the rest of the U.S., 97 percent of insurance companies use credit-based insurance scores to set your auto insurance premium.
Even an insurance underwriting expert at Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), Lamont Boyd, agrees that there is a correlation between credit history and insurance rates. According to Boyd, “About 40 percent of every consumer’s bottom line score will be driven primarily by whether or not you paid your credit obligations on time.”
Jason Siu began his career in automotive journalism in 2003 with Modified Magazine, a property previously held by VerticalScope. As the West Coast Editor, he played a pivotal role while also extending his expertise to Modified Luxury & Exotics and Modified Mustangs. Beyond his editorial work, Jason authored two notable Cartech books. His tenure at saw him immersed in the daily news cycle, yet his passion for hands-on evaluation led him to focus on testing and product reviews, offering well-rounded recommendations to AutoGuide readers. Currently, as the Content Director for VerticalScope, Jason spearheads the content strategy for an array of online publications, a role that has him at the helm of ensuring quality and consistency across the board.
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