How To Choose the Right Motor Oil for Your Car: 5 Things to Consider

You don’t want to make the wrong choice. Choosing the wrong oil for your ride can wreak havoc on the engine. But fear not! Below we take a look at four — OK five — things to consider when choosing your motor oil, no matter your vehicle or driving situation.

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5 Tips When Making the Switch to Winter Tires

Here’s a cold, hard, and undeniable fact about winter tires: If temperatures stay below about 45°F (7°C) over the winter where you live, you need them.

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HOW TO TRUCK: How to Load an ATV Into a Truck

A lot of fun can happen on an ATV, but you’ve got to get your toy to the trails first. In the latest installment of our How to Truck series, we’ll walk you through the steps required to safety load an ATV into the back of your pickup truck.

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How to Drive Through a Roundabout

Roundabout, traffic circle, rotary, gyratory, whatever you call these curving intersections they can be quite confusing to drivers that have never experienced one before. With yield signs, bike lanes and pedestrian crossings there’s a lot going on in a small area and plenty of opportunity to screw things up. But here are a few helpful hints on how to navigate these labyrinthine road junctions.

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Under the Hood: How Much Air Should I Put In My Tires?

Enough is good so even more must be better, right? That may be true when it comes to dessert and lottery winnings, but it’s not the case with tires. Extra air pressure can be both dangerous and damaging.

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Fuel Efficient Driving Tips: How to Drive Green

Is your car using too much gas? Price for gasoline is getting up there, and if you’re not careful enough while driving, you could be spending a lot more than you have to on fuel.

There’s some good and bad news for those looking to get better mileage with each tank. First, the good: it is possible to squeeze out more miles per gallon, even without having to spend money on a new hybrid car, or extra maintenance. The bad news: it’s going to require a change in your driving habits.

Nick Chambers, Green Car Specialist tells us that “even small changes such as driving a bit slower, anticipating traffic lights, trying to come to a full stop as little as possible, accelerating in a steady/relatively slow manner, using cruise control and planning trips to have the least amount of travel and stops, can make big differences.” In fact, these changes can account for as much as a 15 to 20% improvement, he says.

Focused on saving money and the environment from behind the wheel, lists five “Golden Rules” for gas tank friendly driving, and have some reasoning behind why they work. Let’s take a look at a few tips they provide.

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