Volkswagen ID.4 Sets EV Driving Records Across Canada

Kevin Williams
by Kevin Williams

Two men drove an ID.4 across Canada, setting a world record.

It’s certainly not easy driving long distances in an EV. The infrastructure just isn’t quite there yet, especially in the vast expanses across the Trans-Canada highway. However, Volkswagen took an ID.4 across Canada, setting a world record for the least amount of charging stops in the process.

The route started in St. Johns, Newfoundland, and terminated in Victoria, British Columbia. The driver, a man named Rainer Zietlow, and his cameraman Elric Popp, took seven days to cover 7,133 kilometers across Canada. But, the mere 18 charging stops are what put Zietlow and Popp in the Guinness Book of world records. The pair, along with the ID.4 have set the record for driving across Canada in an EV, with the fewest amount of charging stops.

Volkswagen says that this trip proves that EV drivers are capable of doing long trips across the country. That’s true, if we do the math, Popp and Zietlow averaged about 396 kilometers (246 miles) between charging stops. The distance traveled on each charge seems to fall right within the ID.4 RWD’s 443-kilometer (275-mile) range, meaning, the pair didn’t need any sort of special equipment or super modified car to achieve a cross-country journey.

Although impressive, the record does beg the question: can another EV outdo Volkswagen’s attempt? Other electric vehicles already on the market have a longer range, but it takes a lot of effort and planning to actually attempt such a feat. Maybe even Volkswagen will attempt to break the record with the upcoming ID.7?

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Kevin Williams
Kevin Williams

Kevin has been obsessed with cars ever since he could talk. He even learned to read partially by learning and reading the makes and models on the back of cars, only fueling his obsession. Today, he is an automotive journalist and member of the Automotive Press Association. He is well-versed in electrification, hybrid cars, and vehicle maintenance.

More by Kevin Williams

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  • Duke Woolworth Duke Woolworth on Aug 06, 2023

    Evidently and obviously RWD model, not very useful in many parts of Canada.
