Rumor: Ken Block Edition Ford Fiesta In The Works, Sideways Hat Not Included

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

Now that Ford has wrestled Ken Block away from the clutches of Subaru, the company is looking to leverage their alliance with the internet superstar beyond their collaboration with the new Fiesta and the upcoming rally car based off the compact hatchback.

In an interview with radio station KROQ, Block was asked about a special edition Fiesta named after him, DC Shoes or one of his other sponsors. Block was only willing to give the standard “We’re discussing those types of things but there’s nothing set in stone at this point,” answer, but it would be foolish of Ford not to leverage his high profile and large fanbase.

With Block already an “internet celebrity”, and the web being a crucial component of the Fiestas marketing campaign, don’t be surprised if the new model shows up in another installment of the Gymkhana videos.

[Source: KROQ]

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

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