Running Yellow Lights Now Illegal in China

Protests sprung up over the last couple of days after new rules took effect January 1 in China making it illegal to drive through a yellow traffic light.

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VW Golf Picketed by Greenpeace for Efficiency 'Shortfall'

Greenpeace protesters took to picketing the premiere of Volkswagen’s new Golf in Berlin, saying the automaker neglected to make it fuel efficient enough.

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Angry Cayenne Owner Stages Protest At China Porsche Dealer

China is the new land of opportunity as businessmen gain newfound wealth from its booming economy. However, some have learned the hard way that money cannot buy happiness.

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Consumers Petition Subaru To Halt Sales In Saudi Arabia Over Female Driving Ban

Whether intentional or not, Subaru seems to be labeled as a “progressive” brand, and while their website contains the usual corporate gibberish about supporting and embracing “…the communities in which we live and work,” the company tends to put its money where its mouth is, openly supporting the LGBT community as well as motorsports and outdoors enthusiasts.

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