Donked Out Mitsubishi Eclipse On 28s is a World's First – For a Reason [video]

While we have no problems commending the efforts of those who think outside the box, we have to admit we threw up a tad when we spotted this Mitsubishi Eclipse. And as much as we want to criticize this build, we have to give the owner some kudos for really overhauling the car in order to support the gigantic wheels and tires. In fact, he completely modified the car’s suspension in order to fit the 28-inch wheels on it.

And our donk-obsessed owner doesn’t plan on stopping there, with dreams in installing an LS1 V8 under the hood.

While we hate to criticize creativity, we feel like a donk’ed out Eclipse is just downright silly. Does it garner attention? Surely. But there’s a good reason no one has done this before.

[Source: Tampa Bay Sports Car Examiner]

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