Avatar,Beware! Opel Meriva Gets 3D Advertisement (Video Inside)

3D Technology is the latest gimmick designed to keep us entertained and we have to admit, it can be pretty damn cool, and leaves us wondering how glorious it would be to watch an auto race in three-dimensions, with all of the benefit of being trackside but without the excessive noise, hot weather and overpriced greasy food.

Opel has decided to step up and deliver the first automotive advertisement in 3D (at least as far as we know) for their new Meriva minivan. The ad itself isn’t anything spectacular, but we imagine that if viewed with 3D glasses, it would be pretty cool. Not having a pair laying around the office, we couldn’t test out the full effect for ourselves.

[Source: TopSpeed]

Hit the jump to see the Opel Meriva 3D

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Confirmed: Gran Turismo 5 to Offer Graphics in 3D

And here we thought our Nintendo NES (yes, the gray original one) was the best gaming system since sliced bread. Actually, this author one of the few people to have completely finished Gran Turismo 4…like three years ago. Heck, the Nissan GT-R was still a concept back then!

That GT5 has been such a wait is no surprise. But news that the latest will have support for 3D televisions makes us want to, um, cry. See, it’ll look amazing and everything, but we were happy with RC Pro-Am on our NES. We never even bought a steering wheel for our Playstation, but now we have to buy 3D glasses?

So much for impressing dates.

That said, even if you don’t have a 3D TV — or don’t plan on buying one — the new Gran Turismo has hundreds of cars, models from Ferrari and Lamborghini, and tracks from around the world (including our favourite, Tsukuba.) If the closest race track is too far away, this new sim may be the next best thing.

Click over the jump to watch the interview where 3D is confirmed.

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