MINI Take the States: Wrap Up

I tagged along for a two legs of MINI Takes the States, an epic cross-country road rally that’s put on by the company. I participated in just two sections of this continent-spanning trip, but that was still enough for me to experience four Midwestern states and some 700 miles of America. But there’s much more to than this event than just the sliver I experienced.

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MINI Takes the States: Chicago to Cleveland

Today we leave the Windy City and point our MINIs east, hoping to land in Cleveland, Ohio sometime before dinner. Cue the “Hastily Made Cleveland Tourism Video” on YouTube…

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MINI Takes the States: St. Louis to Chicago

MINI Takes the States, a bi-annual cross-country road rally is in full swing, with hundreds of rabid Cooper enthusiasts participating in events at diverse locations across this great land. We’re tagging along for a couple legs of this epic trip and tweeting all the way.

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