8 Steps for When Your Car is Stuck in The Snow

If you drive in the winter, it’s going to happen sooner or later. Your car gets stuck in the snow. Don’t panic, you can usually get your car, truck, or SUV out of the snow without needing a tow truck or other heavy equipment to do the work for you. Here are eight steps for when your car is stuck in the snow.

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President Obama's Limo Bottoms Out At American Embassy in Dublin [Video]

Today, President Barack Obama opened a four-country, 6-day European tour. The President briefly visited the American Embassy in Dublin, where Michelle and Barack encountered an amusing hiccup in their trip. While Cadillac One (aka The Beast) was exiting the embassy driveway, the limo bottomed out and got stuck on a bump crippling the vehicle.

It is unclear whether the limo was a decoy or if Michelle and Barack were even inside the limo at the time but it is quite funny to watch especially with the crowd cheering. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Check out the video after the jump!

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