Nissan Could Take Over Mitsubishi Motors

Nissan is considering buying a controlling stake in Mitsubishi Motors for roughly 200 billion yen ($1.84 billion).

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Mitsubishi Says Multiple Models Have Bogus Fuel Economy

Mitsubishi has admitted to submitting falsified fuel economy data for more vehicles than it originally disclosed.

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Mitsubishi Ordered to Retest Fuel Economy in US, CEO Likely to Resign

Things seems to be getting worse for Mitsubishi after the brand admitted to falsifying fuel economy data for about 600,000 mini-cars in Japan. 

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Mitsubishi Admits to Cheating on Fuel Economy Tests

Mitsubishi Motors has admitted that it manipulated fuel economy data for about 620,000 Japan-market vehicles. 

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Mitsubishi to Publish Real-World MPG Numbers

Mitsubishi plans on publishing fuel economy numbers that are derived in the real world by customers, rather than just official estimates. 

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