Top 20 Most Embarrassing Cars to Drive: Part 1

There are good cars, bad cars and embarrassing cars. Today we’ll take a look at the latter list, cars that were bad, underwhelming, uninspired and downright humiliating to be seen in.

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Top 10 Worst Vehicle Nicknames

Like ‘em or not, nicknames are a way of life. Perhaps you were called four eyes as a child because of your glasses. If your teeth were bedazzled with braces train tracks may have been a more appropriate term of endearment.

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PT Cruiser Set for July 9th Elimination

The PT Cruiser, the car we love to hate, will pull into the parking lot in the sky on July 9th. According to a report by Wards Auto, the unconscionably retro cruiser will cease production ( for real this time) this summer.

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PT Cruiser Not Dead Yet

Can you hear that? It might sound a lot like Monty Python’s John Cleese, but it’s actually Chrysler’s PT Cruiser screaming, “I’m not dead yet.”

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Financial Crisis Not All Bad: Chrysler to Can PT Cruiser

Despite the fact that the last news article regarding the PT Cruiser on Chrysler media site is titled “PT Cruiser Continues to Shine in 2009,” Chrysler president Tom LaSorda has announced that in an effort to save money the company will cease production of the retro van, car, truck, thing. The news comes after a record low sales year for the PT, which suffered a 49 percent drop in sales in 2008.

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