Ask AutoGuide No. 6 - The Crossover Conundrum

Once upon a time the automotive market was radically different. Just a few decades ago things were much simpler for consumers than they are today. Unless they’re shopping for a new Tesla, buyers face a borderline-absurd number of choices when they walk into a typical dealer showroom. This is why we’re here. Ask AutoGuide’s expertly trained, nationally certified Oracles are ready, willing and usually able to help new-car shoppers in distress. Think of them as caped crusaders fighting for what’s right… as long as they don’t have to get up from their desks or change out of their Velcro Hush Puppies.

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Ask AutoGuide No. 3 - Dad's Dilemma

Like veteran 911 operators AutoGuide’s expertly trained staff is here to help at anytime, day or night… as long as they can respond via e-mail and at their convenience. Ask AutoGuide is our newest weekly feature and it’s off like a prom dress.

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