U-Haul Giving Back to Southern Louisiana Residents Affected by Flooding

We all know U-Haul as our go-to guys for borrowing a trailer to tow a car, but they’re also great at helping people move and provide temporary storage. U-Haul Company of Louisiana however is going the extra mile for residents of southern Louisiana that were recently affected by severe thunderstorms and flash flooding.

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Zipcar Launches Zipvan to Take On U-Haul

Zipcar’s growing success in the rental car business has encouraged the company to expand to cargo van rental services.

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VIDEO: How NOT To Transport A Car (NSFW For Language)

Despite the bad language coming from the Honda Civic’s owner in this video, all parties are guilty of being criminally stupid. There’s a reason that race cars use special trailers (enclosed or open) with specific ramps.

Pushing a Civic onto a U Haul, with a flimsy ramp setup is a distinctly redneck way of trying to transport the car; not to mention the fact that there aren’t any tie-downs to keep the car from moving around.

Frankly, we have very little sympathy for these people. Doing things on the cheap rarely works out, and hopefully this is a painful and expensive lesson to prove that point. Besides, the car is really ugly.

Hit the jump to see idiots try and load a Honda Civic onto a U-Haul

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