This Elon Musk Meme Made Us LOL Staff
by Staff

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has come a long way since his days at Paypal.

Elon Musk might be most well known in the automotive world as the CEO of Tesla, but he’s much more than that. He first began making a name for himself with PayPal and these days he’s launching rockets with SpaceX, boring tunnels in Los Angeles, and looking for ways to invent faster methods of travel with Hyperloop.

SEE ALSO: Elon Musk Testing Car Elevators for His Crazy Underground Tunnels

So when we saw this meme of Elon Musk pop up on the Internet, we couldn’t help but laugh. Musk might have some of the craziest ideas we’ve ever seen, but somehow he continues to pull them off and making them reality.

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