Crashes Increase on Daylight Saving Time Switch

You can expect a spike in more than yawning following daylight saving time taking effect today.

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Traffic Fatalities Expected to Spike This Holiday Season

If you’re planning on driving this holiday season, be extra careful.

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Marijuana Use Linked to Increase in Fatal Crashes

Everyone knows that driving drunk is a horrible idea, but that message doesn’t seem to be hitting home when it comes to smoking pot and driving. 

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Car Crashes Cost US Economy Almost a Trillion Dollars a Year

Would you believe that the economic costs of motor vehicle crashes are nearly $900 per person living in the U.S.?

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Pregnant Women at Higher Risk of Car Crashes

According to a recent study, pregnant women are more likely to get into a car crash than before they were pregnant.

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Distracted Driving Fatalities Drop as Highway Deaths Rise

Distracted driving fatalities decreased slightly in 2012 according to the latest fatality analysis by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

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Deer Collisions in the U.S. Are Declining: State Farm

Collisions with deer in the U.S. fell 3.5 percent according to State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance. 

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US Traffic Fatalities Increased 5.3 Percent in 2012

For the first time in seven years, the number of fatalities on U.S. roadways increased 5.3 percent last year to 34,080 deaths, according to preliminary data by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

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Top Five Safest, Least Safe Cars List Released by

Despite smaller, lighter cars being safer than they used to be, bigger and heavier vehicles still offer more protection in crashes.

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Drivers Not Prepared for Winter Weather: Survey

This winter season, are you worried about the driving habits of other drivers, or the weather affecting your car’s driving characteristics?

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How to Drive on Snow and Ice: Winter Driving Safety Tips

Snow and ice on the road can make for a slippery drive home, and the snowflakes falling from the sky can limit your visibility, so it’s no wonder that there’s a definite increase in insurance claims once winter starts.

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What to Do If You Are Involved in an Accident

Your car is at a standstill, your heart is racing, if you’ve just been in an accident, chances are you’re a little shook up. Take a deep breath. There are a few things to go over when you get into an accident, especially if another driver is involved.

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Traffic Fatalities Lowest in 62 Years: Study

Early estimates of 2011 traffic fatalities have the figure at 32,310 people, the lowest since 1949 according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

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Turn Signal Neglect Causes 2 Million Crashes Annually: Study

With all the attention surrounding distracted driving these days, the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) wanted to remind the world that one of the most basic driving rules is being neglected, causing twice as many crashes as distracted driving.

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Older Women Most Likely Mistake Gas Pedal For Brakes: Study

A new study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration finds that most car accidents that occur because a driver mistakenly hits the gas pedal instead of the brakes involve older female drivers in parking lots.

Apparently, almost two-thirds of drivers involved in this type of accident were female, and occurred more frequently with drivers over the age of 76 and under the age of 20. But guys, you aren’t off the hook – when looking at all types of crashes, 60 percent of drivers involved are male.

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