Ride in Ecto-1 This Weekend Thanks to Lyft

Have dreams of being a Ghostbuster? Ride sharing company Lyft is going to try and make them come true this weekend. 
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Learn More About the New Ghostbusters' Ecto-1

There are a lot of new things happening with the upcoming Ghostbusters movie.

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Replica of Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Cadillac Up For Auction

If there was ever a time we wanted to attend and auction and bid for a car with every penny in our pocket, this would be it. Even though this isn’t the original Ghostbusters Ecto-1, the time, work and attention to detail put into this Cadillac replica gets all our respect.

The 1959 Cadillac S&S was on the brink of death according to Chris Reynolds, the genius gentleman that took garbage to glory by investing around $100,000 into the car. Since Reynolds has finished it, it has become one of the most sought-after promo and private-hire vehicles in Europe.

Now we didn’t know Ghostbusters was as awesome and popular in Europe as it is here in America, but we’re guessing this badboy would garner just as much attention, if not more. We’re not quite sure who would pay to hire the Ecto-1 replica, but Reynolds did invest around $11,000 into the interior so it’s got more of a limousine feel.

Estimates are the car will grab anywhere from $115,000 to $130,000. Even though Historics at Brooklands (and possibly Reynolds) is pushing the car as an investment opportunity, we’re assuming those that are able to afford it aren’t exactly concerned about making their money back. But if you’re looking to have one of the most wicked, custom cars in the world… better start counting your pennies.

Official press release after the break.

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