Youngman and Turkish Government Interested in Saab Assets

Huw Evans
by Huw Evans

Despite being officially declared bankrupt, Saab still has organizations willing to snap up the remnants, as the former Swedish carmaker goes into liquidation.

It’s probably not surprising, but considering the money it’s already put out to try and save Saab, China’s Zhejiang Youngman Lotus Automobile Co. Ltd, is still interested in acquiring what assets it can, which, according to a spokesman, primarily concerns the Phoenix platform which would have formed the basis for the next generation 9-3, along with other technologies that didn’t hinge on General Motors (part of the reason for Saab’s bankruptcy was GM’s refusal to allow Youngman to acquire the brand, fearing technologies it had invested with the Swedish automaker could end up in Swedish hands).

Yet another suitor comes in the form of the Turkish government. While it is very unlikely Turkey would want to build Saabs per se, the country already boasts a number of assembly plants belonging to foreign automakers, but until now hasn’t had a real domestic brand. If the government is able to acquire Saab assets, including the much valued Phoenix platform, then the Saab 9-3 might live on after all, though under a different name.

Given the twists and turns that have occurred with Saab since its independence from GM, what happens next at this point is anybody’s guess.

[Source: Left Lane News]

Huw Evans
Huw Evans

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  • Mark Mark on Dec 20, 2011

    Turkey would be better choice than China, China will steal and dublicate and sell it under Chinese names, Turks are good car makers as Bursa is World class Auto maker, Saab is a Great cat, GM bankrupted it, in US we loved SAAB, beter than domestic brands, Turks should get it and build on it,
