Research Suggests Women Don't Park As Well As Men During Driving Tests

When it comes to which gender is the better driver, the battle continues to wage on. And with new data released by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA), both sides have new ammunition, but it looks like men might have won this round.

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Smoking Marijuana Doubles Chance for Car Crash, Study

You should know that it’s dangerous to drive under the influence of drugs, but did you know that smoking marijuana doubles the chance of getting into a serious car accident?

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Study: In Traffic, Men More Stressed Than Women

When it comes to remaining calm in traffic, women tend to have a cooler head than men, according to new research by satnav firm TomTom.

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New Research Could Bring Us Roads That Help Reduce Pollution

Wouldn’t it be great if cars put out less pollution? You can breathe a sigh of relief (go on, take a deep one), because researchers at the Eindhoven University of Technology (EUT) may have discovered a breakthrough that will lead to reduced pollution and cleaner air.

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