Research Suggests Women Don't Park As Well As Men During Driving Tests

Amy Tokic
by Amy Tokic

When it comes to which gender is the better driver, the battle continues to wage on. And with new data released by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA), both sides have new ammunition, but it looks like men might have won this round.

The DSA looked at driving tests taken between 2010 and 2011. It shows that about half of all male candidates failed their driving test while 57 percent of women failed. Driving examiners recorded 1,660,206 errors that led to a failed test – again men out on top with 718,244 mistakes, compared to 941,962 by women.

Women really lost ground when it came to parking. During the reverse-park manoeuvre of the test, 40,863 failed due to loss of control – compare that number to the 18,798 men who failed. Women also didn’t fare well when it came to adequately observing road conditions: 15,945 women failed this section of the test, compared to 12,280 men that made the same error.

Don’t fret ladies – there were some areas that didn’t bode well for the men. Guys were less likely to check their mirrors, with 6,899 men making the error, compared to 6,223 women.

What do you think of these results? Do you agree or disagree with the findings? Let us know in the comments section below.

Amy Tokic
Amy Tokic

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