Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400 Brings New Meaning To The Term "Unholy Alliance"

Derek Kreindler
by Derek Kreindler

British racing outfit Cosworth (calling them a tuner would be insulting) has a history of building some absolutely mental performance hatches, most famously the Ford Escort RS Cosworth, which had to be built on a seperate, rear-drive platform to accommodate the lofty goals set out for it.

Now Cosworth has turned their attention to the already potent Subaru Impreza STI, with a limited 75 car production run known as the Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400. The name might be a mouthful, but you’ll be left speechless with a 3.7 second 0-60 time, courtesy of built-up engine block, a revised turbo system and a re-mapped ECU. Six piston AP Racing brakes, leather Recaro seats and bespoke badging help distinguish it from more plebian STI’s. Pricing was not announced, but expect to fork over some substantial paper, or a kidney, to get behind the wheel.

[Source: Carscoop]

Gallery: Subaru Cosworth Impreza STI CS400

Derek Kreindler
Derek Kreindler

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