Tesla Fan Petitions Government to Allow Brand's Stores
A Tesla fan is petitioning the White House stop requiring cars to be sold through third-party dealers.
The fan is asking the Obama administration to “allow Tesla from requiring that cars be sold only be third-party dealers.” In the petition, the fan wrote: “Tesla is providing competition, which is good for consumers.” The creator of the petition, who wants to be known as Ken, believes that states shouldn’t prevent direct car sales and currently doesn’t own a Tesla vehicle.
SEE ALSO: ‘Public Outcry’ Saves Tesla in New York
For the petition to be reviewed by President Obama, it will need 100,000 signatures by July 5. At the current rate that the petition is garnering signatures, it should easily hit the mark. As of this writing, it counts almost 32,000 signatures. Most recently, Tesla CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter to ask fans in New York to help fight back against a last minute bill that would have essentially put Tesla out of business in the state.
[Source: CNet]
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Jason Siu began his career in automotive journalism in 2003 with Modified Magazine, a property previously held by VerticalScope. As the West Coast Editor, he played a pivotal role while also extending his expertise to Modified Luxury & Exotics and Modified Mustangs. Beyond his editorial work, Jason authored two notable Cartech books. His tenure at AutoGuide.com saw him immersed in the daily news cycle, yet his passion for hands-on evaluation led him to focus on testing and product reviews, offering well-rounded recommendations to AutoGuide readers. Currently, as the Content Director for VerticalScope, Jason spearheads the content strategy for an array of online publications, a role that has him at the helm of ensuring quality and consistency across the board.
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