The Best Heated Seat Covers Keep You Toasty

We just didn’t understand the fuss about the best heated seat covers until we owned a car with heated seats. Since then, getting into a cold car with non-heated seats (or as we call them now, misery seats) has been an occasion for dread. Outside of some high-end models, they’re still not common standard equipment in most new cars, not that there are any new cars available now. You can upgrade your ride to get that warm behind, but there’s an easier and cheaper way. If you want warm seats, your best option is to upgrade to a new aftermarket heated cover and warm up the ride you already have.

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The Best Truck Seat Covers

We’ve driven trucks that cost close to $100,000, but even if yours is a more reasonable workhorse, it still makes sense to protect it with a set of the best truck seat covers. Truck seat covers aren’t what they used to be, though. Today, you can order modern truck seats that rival luxury cars of a few years ago. Made with a perfect fit, perforations so your backside can breathe, and even seat heaters. Don’t get us wrong, you can still get the old saddle blanket cover to use as a cover, which is a cool option in the right truck. But seat covers have changed and improved immensely since those days.

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