Audi Q3 Sales on Hold for US

The Audi Q3 was supposed to arrive Stateside this year, but that plan is now on hold.

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Tesla Petition Reaches 100,000 Signatures

A Tesla fan-created petition asking the government to allow the American automaker to sell directly to consumers has reached the necessary 100,000 signatures to get the White House to take a look.

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Tesla Fan Petitions Government to Allow Brand's Stores

A Tesla fan is petitioning the White House stop requiring cars to be sold through third-party dealers.

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EPA Proposal Aims to Reduce Gasoline Sulfur

Gasoline producers and automakers are at odds over fuel only this time it’s about sulfur levels instead of ethanol content.

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Older Van Drivers Get A Late Christmas Present From the City of London

The controversial London (UK) Emissions Zone strikes again, this time with more stringent smog rules due to come into effect on January 3rd, 2012.

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US Loosens Truck MPG Standards In An Effort To Win Support

There’s no question that the US Federal government’s proposed Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards have drawn a lot of fire and widespread opposition from automakers, especially as the Obama administration is now pushing for a 56 miles per gallon fleet average target by 2025.

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