Bob Lutz Defends the Chevy Volt, Again, in Latest Blog Post

Stephen Elmer
by Stephen Elmer

The Chevrolet Volt has been a media glutton as of late, attracting more attention (and the wrong kind of it) than any one single car in quite a few years, and former GM Vice-Chairman Bob Lutz is not shy about sharing his feelings on the misinterpretation of Volt statistics in the public realm.

In his latest blog post on, Lutz presented some interesting Volt facts and discussed his unhappiness with the media that he believes has a politically fueled agenda when reporting on the car. The key issue in the post being the idea that all Chevy Volts are ready to spontaneously combust.

Lutz explains that Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly just two nights ago told the public once again that “several [Volts] have caught fire,” when in fact no Volt has ever caught fire in the real world, and the only three that have were a part of a carefully orchestrated test by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA). “That’s the truth, whether ‘no spin O’Reilly’ likes it or not,” says Lutz after he presents his facts.

“Those who know me will vouch for my credentials as a conservative and vocal global warming skeptic. I spent 11 years as a Marine attack aviator trained and ready to take out Communists during the Cold War,” he said to prove wrong all the strong-headed right wingers by showing them that a conservative can in fact support the Volt.

The last, and seemingly most valid point in his defense of the Volt is that the Opel Ampera, the Volt’s European incarnation, was voted as European car of the year for 2012. This is the first time an American engineered and produced automobile won that distinction. It seems unlikely that a car about to burn would win such an award.

Maybe it’s because our European counterparts don’t pay attention to CNN, or the “No Spin Zone” with Bill O’Reilly.

[Source: Forbes]

Stephen Elmer
Stephen Elmer

Stephen covers all of the day-to-day events of the industry as the News Editor at AutoGuide, along with being the AG truck expert. His truck knowledge comes from working long days on the woodlot with pickups and driving straight trucks professionally. When not at his desk, Steve can be found playing his bass or riding his snowmobile or Sea-Doo. Find Stephen on <A title="@Selmer07 on Twitter" href="">Twitter</A> and <A title="Stephen on Google+" href="">Google+</A>

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  • Charles Caruana Charles Caruana on Mar 13, 2012

    I am a conservative and support the Volt with as much as I can. If my Cadillac DTS would have lasted one more year, I would have a Volt in my garage now! Now, I have to wait until the lease on my Malibu is up. It is annoying to see the media constantly slam this car and the republicans "hate it" because Obama said he wanted one after he left office. This car ROCKS and the technology is only going to get better. Once people start test driving the Volt instead of listening to negative hype, the car should take off like a rocket. I think GM needs to market it better (DTE is offering $2500 "rebate" to hook up the power station at residences and a $40 flat-rate monthly fee to charge it) and offer rebates (not the government one that some have issues with) to get people to buy them. My GM Card Rebates will not apply toward the lease or purchase of one, what's up with that? $40k for a four door Chevy around the size of a Cruze is hard for some to swallow. Besides those speedbumps, I love this car and cannot wait to get one!

  • Larry Keith Larry Keith on Mar 14, 2012

    It is astounding how well orchestrated the FOX news/indoctrination has turned their lemmings against an American made product. I agree that the tax credit for purchasing this particular electric car is akin to a tax break for the wealthy beings that today's middle class families probably won't spend $40k + on a car but I was tired of feeding my gas guzzler so I traded my monthly fuel bill for a car payment & I am glad I did. My volt is a great ride & this comes from a guy who used to drive a 5 series BMW. I pity my fellow man who has to endure the gyrations of the oil market & sky high gasoline prices. That damn Obama...chuckle chuckle
