Steve Jobs and the Mystery of His Plateless Mercedes SL55

Amy Tokic
by Amy Tokic

Who doesn’t love a good mystery? And here’s one that will have you scratching your head – why did Steve Jobs drive a silver 2007 Mercedes-Benz SL55 AMG without a license plate?

With the passing of the Apple legend last week, lots of interesting facts, info and tidbits are coming to light. And one happens to be that Jobs drove this plateless car for four years without ever getting a ticket.

There are a few theories floating about regarding why Jobs didn’t drive with a license plate, but none have ever been conclusive. As to why he never got a ticket, a search of Carfax on Jobs’ SL55 AMG found that he purchased it new in 2006 and he only put 21,800 miles on it. It looked like Jobs played the odds and won – since he only drove 5,500 miles per year (the U.S. average is 12,000 miles), it lowered his odds of getting ticketed.

What do you think? Why did Jobs decide not to drive with plates? Or why did he never get ticketed? Post your conspiracy theories in the comments section below.

Amy Tokic
Amy Tokic

More by Amy Tokic

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  • Steven Steven on Oct 11, 2011

    I'm betting his tyrannical and belittling ways stretched farther then just his employees at Apple. He probably had a few less experienced officers pull him over, only for them to be called in by their supervisors and told how it was. Its not only what you know, but who you know.

  • JP101 JP101 on Oct 17, 2011

    Maybe it was magnetic, like the dealer plates, and he removed it so people couldn't take spy photos like this one, and find out his information?
